Verolog Doctoral Dissertation Prize

The VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize (VeRoLog DDP) is issued by the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog) and is awarded at each VeRoLog annual conference. The purpose of the prize is to distinguish an outstanding PhD thesis on Operational Research methods applied to the Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization. Nominations are NOT restricted to members of societies that belong to EURO. To be considered, a dissertation should be nominated by the supervisor of the thesis (one of them in case of multiple supervisors).

The VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2022 will be open to outstanding dissertations defended between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021. It will be awarded at the VeRoLog 2022 conference (Hamburg, June 13-15, 2022).

Eligibility of applications

The VeRoLog DDP 2022 jury will only consider PhD theses in Operational Research defended between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021. Nominations are NOT restricted to members of societies that belong to EURO.

To be considered, a dissertation should be nominated by the supervisor of the thesis (one of them in case of multiple supervisors). The supervisor of the dissertation is asked to provide the jury with the following information:

  1. the text of the dissertation,
  2. an extended abstract (up to 5 pages) of the dissertation; this abstract should be written in English,
  3. if the dissertation is not written in English, a paper in English authored (or co-authored) by the author of the dissertation and describing the core ideas of the thesis. This paper should preferably have been published in or submitted to an international journal.
  4. nomination letters (or reports) from two referees selected by the dissertation supervisor, supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award.
  5. an up-to-date CV of the candidate, including a list of publications.

No nomination will be considered without these items.

All information should be sent in electronic form to the chairman of the jury, Prof. Karl Doerner using a compressed format (e.g. zip).

Since many PhD theses in OR are defended each year, the jury would like to remind supervisors that only outstanding pieces of work have a reasonable chance of winning the award.


The jury of VeRoLog DDP 2022 is:

  1. Karl Doerner, Universität Wien, Austria (chair)
  2. Fabien Lehuédé, IMT- Atlantique, LS2N, Nantes, France
  3. Michael Schneider, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Selection process

The members of the jury will study each application in detail. The jury evaluates the applications taking the following points into account:

  • Originality and novelty of the subject,
  • Pertinence of the subject for VeRoLog DDP;
  • Depth and breadth of the results,
  • Contributions of the dissertation to the theory and practice of OR applied to Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization,
  • Applications and/or potential applicability of the results,
  • Impact on related fields,
  • Quality of the related publications.

The jury may decide not to assign the prize if no thesis reaches an adequate level of quality.


The prize consists in a certificate and a reward of Euro 500.


The deadline for submitting applications is February 28, 2022


Prof. Dr. Karl Doerner

Past Awardees

VeRoLog DDP 2012 was awarded to Bjorn Petersen in Bologna, June 18th, 2012. Chair of the Jury was Paolo Toth.

VeRoLog DDP 2013 was awarded ex-aequo to Roberto Roberti and Thibaut Vidal in Southampton, July 8th, 2013. Chair of the Jury was Angel Corberan.

VeRoLog DDP 2014 was awarded to Magnus Stalhane in Oslo, June 25th, 2014. Chair of the Jury was Frederic Semet.

VeRoLog DDP 2015 was awarded to Timo Gschwind in Vienna, June 6th, 2015, Chair of the Jury was Richard Eglese.

VeRoLog DDP 2016 was awarded to Jorgen Haar in Nantes, June 8th, 2016, Chair of the Jury was Stefan Irnich.

VeRoLog DDP 2017 was awarded to Mor Kaspi in Amsterdam, July 8th, 2017, Chair of the Jury was Geir Hasle.

VeRoLog DDP 2019 was awarded to Dominik Goeke in Seville, June 3th, 2019, Chair of the Jury was Wout Dullaert.

VeRoLog DDP 2020 was awarded to Alexandre Florio, Chair of the Jury was Juan José Salazar Gonzalez.